No Endorsement, Just Information
There’s a fine line between outright endorsement and simply trying to be helpful. I’m trying to be helpful. I’ve listed some persons or entities below that I’ve either worked with or know something about. For example, as a professional writer, I’ve worked extensively with people at Northern Trust. I found them knowledgable and professional. Are they right for you? I don’t know, but you might check them out if you’re looking for a corporate trustee. (Yes, I know. I’ve listed my brother. You want I should leave him off?)
I want to stress, however, that I have no referral agreements with any of these people or entities. That is, I’ve made no promises that I would refer them business, nor have they promised me business. And I do not share share fees and commissions, nor do I have any other financial arrangement with them. I do share an office with my brother when I’m working in Cody
That said, I strive to exercise independent judgment on behalf of my clients. That’s my job and my responsibility under the Rules of Professional Conduct, the code of ethics that governs the practice of law in Wyoming and Utah. For example, I am one of many attorneys named on Silencer Shop’s website as attorneys who do gun trusts. My first two gun trust clients came to me because of that listing. The second of those two decided he was going to buy his silencer from another vendor. I didn’t try to talk him out of his decision.
I will continue to add to this list as I become familiar with others who I feel may be of help to my clients.
James Reilly & Co. PC – Address: 1131 13th Street, Cody, Wyoming, 82414. Phone: 307.587.6256
Brent Willmore, Willpwer Accounting – 801.616.0062
Corporate Trustees
Life Insurance and Financial Planners
Tom Allred, Farm Bureau – Address: 641 N 10th St, Worland, WY 82401-2339. Phone: 307. 347.3583
NFA Items
Silencer Shop – Phone: 512.931.4556.
Real Estate
Utah County: Kim Hamilton – 801.427.0543
For Farmers and Ranchers
From the University of Wyoming Extension office: Passing It On: An Estate Planning Resource Guide for Wyoming’s Farmers and Ranchers