ATF 41 F — The Official Document

I don’t think I ever posted a link to the official (or at least, the official looking) ATF 41 F as it appeared in the Federal Register. Here it is.

To refresh your memory, ATF 41F affects the firearms trusts (aka gun trusts and NFA trusts). It goes into effect on July 13, 2016. Until then, firearms trusts are the most effective and least intrusive way for you to purchase NFA items, including suppressors or silencers–in my humble opinion. After July 13, 2016, I think firearms trusts remain the best way to purchase those items, for most–but not all–the same reasons. Again, in my humble opinion.

No, the CLEO’s signature on individual applications will no longer be required, and

Yes, so-called “responsible persons” will be required to provide fingerprints and photographs, BUT

-Firearms trusts set up a structure that protects against unwise and often uninformed use/misuse of NFA firearms while you’re alive, misuse that can result in severe penalties and fines, and

-Firearms trusts establish a framework for sharing NFA items while you’re alive, a framework not available to people who purchase NFA items in their capacity as individuals, and

-Firearms trusts provide a mechanism for distributing your prized firearms to your beneficiaries when you die, again without running afoul of the law.

No, for my money, a well-drafted firearms trust remains the best way to purchase NFA firearms, now and after July 13, 2016.

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